SAOIR faces Prospect Street, which is quiet yet centrally located within the heart of Fortitude Valley
Screens give privacy to the front yard
Luxury Residence
27 Prospect Street
Fortitude Valley, Brisbane
Celebrating Brisbane’s rich history in timber homes, SAOIR treasures the quality of the early 1900’s cottage by sensitively bringing it back to it’s previous glory while at the same time making it fit for a 21st century lifestyle. Contemporary additions are respectful and sympathetic to the character of the existing house by creating a fusion of architecture and lush subtropical landscaping. Intelligent architecture, featuring plenty of well protected doors and windows maximise natural light and cross-ventilation. The centrally located and covered courtyard acts as an anchor to the residence. This double height space allows vistas through the house and generates a sense of lightness and spaciousness.
This house is named SAOIR — the Gaelic Scottish word for carpenter—in honour of two of these carpenters that built the original house.